16 October 2016: I Want, I Want, I WANT the Full Moon!



I don’t know what to make of the upcoming Full Moon on 16 October. There’s SO much tense action happening between so many planets that day, it’s hard to find any one theme to it except of an air of nervousness, crankiness, flakiness and divisiveness. But on the hopeful side of things actually, there are a LOT of turning points to be taken away from trying situations too!

Most of the brunt is being borne by harmony-loving, partnership oriented Libra. Which means most hope for engineering peace or forging alliances is to be parked to one side for the few days before, during and after this Full Moon to make way for the power-hungry autocrats and childish adults to whiz past in their stretch limos or plastic pedal buggies, as the case may be.

“Yeah, yeah, I understand what YOU want (I appreciate it at some level too), but WHAT ABOUT ME? MY PLANS? I’VE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS TALKING, TALKING, I’M WALKING!”, is what you’ll hear many say at this time.

First off, we have the Full Moon in Aries conjunct Uranus opposing the Sun in Libra conjunct Mercury: The need for emotional freedom or just a shake-up in a tired situation might encourage abrupt endings (or even sudden, ill thought out, proposals) in partnerships, perhaps spurred by some information  received or the dawning of a fresh idea. And with Venus in Scorpio inconjunct to the Full Moon, love or joint finances could be the casualty.

At the same time, we have power hungry Mars conjuncting Pluto in Capricorn squaring Mercury in Libra: Ambition or the need for control will block diplomatic dialogue.

What’s more, there’s Saturn in Sagittarius squaring the Lunar Nodes on the Virgo-Pisces axis, especially as Neptune conjuncts the South Node: Just when you think you’re settling back into your fantasy/secret garden/belief system, the Karma Lord comes to kick you out of your hammock with another interesting angle. Many of us could find our ‘escape’ plans thwarted. Especially all those running away from their chores might find some legality/rule/elder/situation holding them back to fulfil some obligation! Funnily enough, that could bring a lucky transformation to the situation or some kind of discovery. (You could literally find some art as you go about your work, which turns out to be worth a bit!)

What else can be expected (in no particular order):

  • Talks between parties could be derailed by arbitrary tantrums on either side.
  • Over-analysing an issue (or engaging in a debate for far too long) could lead to actual physical exhaustion.
  • What starts as a normal conversation could easily incense someone into thinking they’re being bossed.
  • A wiser person could stage an intervention to bring you back from the abyss of an addictive situation. Alternatively, your escapism could get the support of a healthy structure (like Paris recently introducing shooting rooms for their heroin addicts).
  • A radical new business idea could help you ‘pivot’ (if you like Silicon Valley! :P) your ambitions in a new direction, especially with the help of a partner.
  • Even though you’ve got a good partnership opportunity that ticks all the boxes, it might not feel spiritually right enough and you may choose to snap ties fast so as not to prolong the pain.
  • You or the other could get an offbeat idea to keep your relationship alive in a different avatar.
  • Your efforts to bring some discipline in your life could be instrumental in introducing you to an exciting new prospect.

Also lingering at this time would be the waning trine aspect between Venus in Scorpio and Chiron in Pisces. So, give or take a few days, some of your emotional, spiritual or financial losses could be mitigated by some blessing (like a generous gift or offer of comfort, perhaps from someone with a commanding presence). Also, attempts to psychoanalyse, process hurts and self-heal could lead to rewarding creative expressions of clearer spiritual understanding.  But I wonder if this blessing won’t be just as quickly rescinded in the wake of the succeeding energies?

I definitely do believe in looking on the bright side of life. The tense conjunctions and squares that most astrologers so dread naturally laser-burn my natal chart with such thoroughness and constancy that I’ve come to appreciate the inherent excitement of the roller-coaster ride they bring. So from an expert please take it, if you keep your act clean and a civil tongue in your head, all this Full Moon (and accompanying) madness can be mutated into magic.

Do let me know in the Comments section your Full Moon experiences.

*Peanuts strip found on: http://mightygodking.com/2008/09/24/youre-going-sadly-unrecognized-in-certain-quarters-charlie-brown

About Ma Megha

I'm the happy medium trying to find the happy medium!
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9 Responses to 16 October 2016: I Want, I Want, I WANT the Full Moon!

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